Monday, March 10, 2014

IEP Example 3: Kelly

Kelly's IEP:

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:
Kelly is in the the third grade classroom for most of his day.  He has a full time paraprofessional who assists him.  He is unable to use a standard keyboard because of his physical limitation.  Additionally, his speech is frequently unintelligible.  He currently uses single message and multiple message voice output devices, eye gaze, and limited direct selection to complete his academic work. Kelly is functioning at about the second grade level in most curricular areas.

Annual Goal:
Kelly will use an adapted keyboard with custom overlays and a computer with talking word processing to complete all academic work.

Assistive Technology for Kelly:
Due to Kelly having physical limitation, as well as having difficulty communicating, he would benefit from both an adapted keyboard and a voice output device.  Both devices will assist him in completing classroom and communicating with his teacher, paraprofessional, and peers.

Similar to Andy's voice output device, this device will assist Kelly in communicating with his teachers and peers with the simple stroke of a key. 

One of these adapted keyboards would assist Kelly in completing classwork.  Each keyboard has brightly colored keys to help differentiate the letters and numbers, as well as have adjustable key sizes for easy keystrokes.

Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (June 2009).  Assessing Student's Needs for Assistive Technology (ASNAT). Retrieved from

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