Monday, January 27, 2014

Teaching Every Student

As we have learned, teaching to every student can be difficult, no matter how many years of experience you have under your belt.  "Teaching Every Student" on invites teachers to read and understand the basic knowledge of Universal Design for Learning in the classroom, as well as how to add different approaches into lesson plans. As we know, a curriculum is not "one size fits all," leaving teachers to adjust the curriculum to meet the needs of their learners. Under three categories, basic, activities, and case studies, readers are given the opportunity to browse, review, and complete activities that will allow them to gain knowledge supporting the variety of learners in their classroom.

The multimedia book, Teaching Every Student in Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning can be viewed.  This book was written to give teachers a print-based curriculum that will help them teach students with disabilities and help them become equipped with appropriate tools and approaches to learning. Along with this book, there is also a video and a copy of UDL guidelines.  These resources give readers the basic knowledge on UDL and gives them the foundations they will need in order to create a learning environment that is appropriate for all students.

Under this category, you are provided with activities that give you the opportunity to become acquainted with the networks of the brain that help process information.  The scenarios are realistic, allowing you to learn how the brain works on a daily basis and throughout activities that you may participate in. It is a great way to see how everyone thinks differently and to understand how the different parts of the brain function and affect your ability to learn.

Case Studies:
Case studies are given to readers so they can see how challenges can relate to students on every level and in every class.  For instance, a teacher who teaches social studies, may come across students who have difficulty reading.  You will also find ways to approach lesson planning through the UDL model in order to engage all learners and ensure they are learning the material.



  1. Teaching every student can be a difficult task but with practice and the right tools we can do our best. I found this website very helpful for building my collection on how I can teach all students. Between the basic, activities, and case studies, what did you find most helpful?

    1. I found the basic information most valuable, as I did not know much about UDL when beginning this class. The basic information that was provided, especially the videos and and UDL guidelines, were very helpful in understanding what UDL is and how to apply it into your classroom.

  2. I loved this cartoon! It is definitely satire at it's best. The education system today sets standards and guidelines that apply to each and every student, without any regard for learning differences. We are more results driven. Unfortunately, someone will break that tree.

  3. Lauren,
    I agree with you when you said teaching is difficult no matter how many years you have been teaching. Every year is different and every year has new students and new barriers to overcome. Teaching every student and meeting each of their needs is essential and difficult. Our curriculum is not "one size fits all" like you said. I love the cartoon as well. It gives an insight of how some people expect teaching to be, which it is not at all. Great job!!
